Thursday, July 26, 2012

Movie Review; Pay It Forward

The movie Pay It Forward was released on October 20th, 2000. The main charactor, Trevor, is played by Haley Joel Osment. His mom is played by Helen Hunt. The director of the movie’s name is Mimi Leder. The movie was inspired by a book with the same title. The book was written by Catherine Ryan Hyde. It was adapted into a movie by Leslie Dixon.
Summary :
The story is about a boy who’s troubled because his mother is an alcoholism and his father, who is now absent in his life, used to be abusive. Trevor, the 12-year-old boy is entering Middle School. His teacher, Eugene give a special assigment to the class; they need to help three other people. They do it in hope that those three people continue the chain. It’s supposed to bring peace. Althought Trevor realize that the task isn’t as easy as he thought it would be. He starts to realize that real life is harder than his young pre-teenage years.
In my opinion, this movie has a good moral but I thought that it was boring because, overall, there isn’t a lot of action. Instead, the movie is focusing on Trevor’s mom problem with alcohol and Jerry, the homeless man. Plus, I think that there are a lot of exageration. Trevor is twelve years old, not eight. He has a violent man and he still bring a homeless man in his house even though he doesn’t know anything about that poor man. Also, at the end of the movie, Trevor get killed by an other kid at school. I know that this situation is possible but I thought that it was way to sad. He could have been only injured, death is a bit too much.
An other thing I didn’t like; it’s always the same song playing in the background for the whole movie!

Niagara Falls

On the Canadian/USA border there is three enormous falls. Niagara Falls is a 'twin' city because it is seperate into two countries. 
The falls are 51 meters long in high. They were formed when the glaciers were melting. The falls can also be called 'horsehoe' because they look like it.
There are some objects/living souls that had fallen down the falls. For example; at least 5000 bodies have been found in the river; about 40 people committed suicide; a cat also survived the fall.
I think you should visit Niagara Falls because it's so huge. They are ones of the biggest in the world. Plus it's an historic place because the falls has been very popular for at last the past 200 years and it was created thousand of years ago.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Fortune cookie poem.

Soon, a visitor shall delight you
he said
At night, the visitor shall arrive
I asked
Yes, the forture teller answered

On the legde of the window
I was
Soon, the vistor shall appear
I thought
Wrong, I was

The visitor never came
He lied
Naive, I was to believe
his lies
The truth, will never rise

An activity that you should do.

I think you should go to Calypso waterpark because it's very entertaining. The attractions are fun and you'll always want more. There are many kinds of attactions. Whether you're scared or not, there is always something for you. For example; if you're scared of highs you can always stay on the wave pool and if you're a child you can go in the child park. 
Depending on what day you're going, the waiting time can be short or long. Of course it go on a Saturday and it's sunny you'll have to wait for a long time to do the attaction. But that time isn't wasted because you can talk and have fun with your friends. Plus, there are always some waterslides that don't have long waiting lines. Actually, when I was there, I did the same one four times in about an hour. In addition, it's worth waiting for a long time because the water is very refreshing.
An other reason that you should go is that it's very near Ottawa (less than 45 minutes of car!). Plus it's not very expensive for all that you'll be able to do in a single day.
At the end of the day, you'll have plenty of good memories to remember.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012


I went to a library downtown, it's called 'Chapters'. I really liked going there because I love reading new stories. For me that is art because the story comes from the author's imagination. I specially like to read fiction books because there is nothing from real life (mostly not) in it. It's 100% different from what we live everyday.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

museum of civilization Ottawa

On Friday July 10th when went at the Museum of Civilization of Ottawa but we didn't have a lot of time to visit so I had to stay with only my friends to see more. But, at the beginning we went to the Canada Hall and then then we went to see the movie. It was interessing and I'm blog I stayed after 3:00PM because actually we didn't see much and the Children's museum was really worth it. It was fun even if I'm not a child anymore. I didn't answer my questions because like I said, I didn't have enough time and I didn't remember them or even thought about them when I was there.

Travelling in Ottawa

The first thing that I noticed in Ottawa is that the buses are not easy to understand. I come from a really small town and I've never took the bus in my life before. At least not the public one. I had no idea of how it worked.
It actually started when I had to go to Ottawa by bus. I was really nervous because I know that I had to change in Montréal. I was on my own with two luggages to carry with me. I also thought that I wouldn't find the place to go and then take the wrong bus and go somewhere I don't know of. Luckily, it wasn't like that and the driver of the first bus know where I needed to go so he helped me to avoid getting lost.
I really hate having to change buses to get to the place I need to go and the plublic buses are the worst because I never know on which side of the street I need to be to catch the bus and go to where I need to be and not on the complete opposite. Once I asked the driver for directions and he told me something that turned out to be completely wrong so I had to wait at an other bus station for about half an hour to finally get the right bus -which was, actually, the same one I was on earlier-. It was really late, I got home really tired and I was mad because my sleep is more important than usual here on this program.
Plus, my homestay lives at about 75 minutes of bus away from the school. It's really long and we need to change the bus once or twice depending on what time it is. In the morning I need to wake up very early to catch the bus and be at school at 9:00. At least I can sleep on the way to the school !

Wednesday, July 4, 2012


My name is Emy Girard and I'm from Québec, the French province of Canada. I'm sixteen years old and I'll be soon 17; I was born in fall. I can speak French and English fluently. I also understand a little bit of Spanish because I had classes at school a few years ago.

I really like to read. I buy a lot of books. I have a lot of favorite ones. Here are some: Gone, Micheal Grant, Wings, Aprilynne Pike, Harry Potter, J.K. Rowling. I have a lot more. I also watch TV and for the moment my favorite TV Show is Pretty Little Liars but it might change.

Something about me that might not happen to everybody is that I'm scared of candles. I can't stand having one next to me, burning of not, I just can't. I wouldn't scream if there was one but I'd certainly push it away enough so that I wouldn't see it anymore.

I really like to travel. My dream is to go in Australia one day (and maybe live there). I've never far from my home yet. I went to Boston once and I liked it a lot. It gave me more enthousiactic about travelling. That's why I decided to do the Explore program. I wanted to go to Victoria but I'm really happy to be in Ottawa now that I'm here. An other reason why I wanted to do this program is because I already understood English pretty well but my prononciation and accent aren't very good for the moment. I wanted to improve that.

I can't wait to go to Calypso because I really like water slides. It so much fun. This is the activity I'm most impatient about but there are so many fun ones I can't pick which one will be my other favorites.