Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Travelling in Ottawa

The first thing that I noticed in Ottawa is that the buses are not easy to understand. I come from a really small town and I've never took the bus in my life before. At least not the public one. I had no idea of how it worked.
It actually started when I had to go to Ottawa by bus. I was really nervous because I know that I had to change in Montréal. I was on my own with two luggages to carry with me. I also thought that I wouldn't find the place to go and then take the wrong bus and go somewhere I don't know of. Luckily, it wasn't like that and the driver of the first bus know where I needed to go so he helped me to avoid getting lost.
I really hate having to change buses to get to the place I need to go and the plublic buses are the worst because I never know on which side of the street I need to be to catch the bus and go to where I need to be and not on the complete opposite. Once I asked the driver for directions and he told me something that turned out to be completely wrong so I had to wait at an other bus station for about half an hour to finally get the right bus -which was, actually, the same one I was on earlier-. It was really late, I got home really tired and I was mad because my sleep is more important than usual here on this program.
Plus, my homestay lives at about 75 minutes of bus away from the school. It's really long and we need to change the bus once or twice depending on what time it is. In the morning I need to wake up very early to catch the bus and be at school at 9:00. At least I can sleep on the way to the school !


  1. This is so true I hate the buses here. Me it's not that bad because it's only like 30 minutes but I have to change buses and I dont love this neither. I think that it will be easier at the end of the month (well I hope) :)

  2. I also agree with your complaints about the buses here... Ottawa definitely does not have the best transportation system.
